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The first big picnic has taken place at the future Mežaparks Open-Air Stage

On Friday 16 August, from 16:00 to 21:00, at the Mežaparks Large Open-Air Stage in 15,000 square metres covered by a green grass there has been a unique opportunity to rest for the first time at the largest picnic in Latvia and at the same time to watch the making of the new Mežaparks Large Open-Air Stage.

Part B1 of the Mežaparks Large Open-Air Stage construction is currently ongoing. More than 42% of the planned construction work has already been carried out. The first metal columns of the dome are mounted, which will form the design of the stage roof. The project is unique not only in Latvia but also on a global scale. In total, 44 columns will be installed, the longest of which will be 26 metres high and weigh 21 tonnes. The construction of the inclined covering of the stage building has been completed, assembly of the external metal ladders and railings, creation of the waterproofing and assembly of the inclined covering as well as the prefabricated concrete elements of the stage steps is taking place.

The construction work is carried out by the General Partnership “LNK RERE” to orders of the Property Department of the Riga City Council and is scheduled to be completed on 18 June 2020 before the XII Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Celebration.